
Our Kehilla has been able to flourish because of people like you who care and support it wholeheartedly. Sponsorship opportunities are available for many of our exciting programs throughout the year.


People like you who care and get involved enables our community to flourish and is part of what makes our Kehilla so special!


Ohr Yisrael seeks to involve as many men, women and children as possible in the many events and activities that take place throughout the year. Please feel free to reach out to the Rav or any of the Board members to find out how you can get more involved.
  • President: Yossi Lurman | president@koyb.org
  • Vice President: Shmuel Segal
  • Treasurer: Chanoch Spetner
  • Secretary: Moshe Kraines 


A network of devoted Nshei volunteers & committees plan and facilitate many initiatives, including Welcome Packages for new member families, New Baby Pizza Dinners, annual Melava Malka, Mother/Daughter events, Chanuka Party, Purim Mishloach Manos, Shiurim, etc.

Welcome Package

Rachel Katibian

Melava Malka

Devora Simon
and Rivka Klein

New Baby Pizza Dinners

Eli Goldsmith

Mother / Daughter Event

Miriam Horowitz, Dorie Lauer
and Rachel Rabenstein


Rachel Baden
and Sarah Klein

Purim Mishloach Manos

Elianna Spetner
and Eli Goldsmith

Chanukah Party

Shoshi Meystel


Sarah Sonnenblick

Come and Learn
Torah with Us