
Kehillas Ohr Yisrael provides a spiritual anchor for the growing young communities of Summit Park, Indian Village, and Quarry Lake. Our shul, led by the young and energetic Rabbi Dovid Rubin, offers an authentic Torah-community experience: shiurim and chaburas for all levels, meaningful tefillos, social events, and lively programming for children.

Warm and friendly atmosphere with everyone's involvement encouraged

  • Beacon of Torah
  • Wellspring of Simcha
  • Pulse of Our Neighborhood

At Ohr Yisrael we are committed to providing you with numerous growth opportunities through Torah learning. We encourage our community members to participate in our daily Halacha, Mishnayos, Daf Yomi, and Gemara bIyun chaburos.

In addition, the Rav offers a weekly Chumash bIyun Shiur, as well as Hashkafa and Mussar vaadim and many other engaging topics throughout the year. Men, women, and children are all offered tailored Torah programming on appropriate levels, to fit their schedules and to optimize their connection to Hakadosh Baruch Hu through learning His Torah.

At Ohr Yisrael, we have created an environment of year round Simcha where practicing our Yiddishkeit is a true experience of increasing our dveykus to Hakadosh Baruch Hu!

Our leibedige Tefillos encourage everyone’s participation and the Rav’s hadracha encourages everyone to understand what we’re saying and to truly connect to our Avodas Hatefillah.

Ohr Yisrael seeks to involve as many men, women and children as possible in the many events and activities that take place throughout the year.

Seasonal events such as our shul’s Chanukah party, Succos Simchas Beis Hashoeva, Lag baOmer bonfire & Kumzitz, Nshei events, Guest Speakers, Onegs & Melava Malkas, and our Summer BBQ, are just some of the highlights that many look forward to throughout the year.

Come and Learn
Torah with Us

Meet the Rav

Our shul, led by the young and energetic Rabbi Dovid Rubin, offers an authentic Torah-community experience: shiurim and chaburas for all levels, meaningful tefillos, social events, and lively programming for children.

Rabbi Rubin is a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael, a current member of its esteemed Kollel, and a 12th grade Rebbi at the Mechina of Ner Yisrael.

Together with his wife and five children, Rabbi Rubin is excited to provide his Kehillah with the love and energy needed to see them grow and become true Avdei Hashem.